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Prophecy  given at start of PCCC as a charity Sept 2020

At the start of Plain Church Celtic Community PCCC as a charity
Few sentences at start not recorded but were about the Lord’s pleasure with PCCC.
I’m so thrilled, so filled up with your enthusiasm and your love for me, and your compassion and your care, and your willingness to go the extra mile and do the extra things. And I’m so thrilled that Plain Church is an entity, that it has been fully born this morning, today, and now WATCH, watch , watch, says the Lord at what I am going to do.
The gloves are off, we’re on the move.
Just stay close to me, lean on me fully, with all your hearts and all your minds and I will give you all the understanding that you need.
Don’t be afraid, it’s not always going to be easy, but, I am always there with you
Be prepared to be more different, more extraordinary, more amazed, more amazing – times are changing – just stay close.
Remember to pray in the Spirit, you have all been given the gift of tongues, you have had so many prompts recently, you must use this gift more and more and more. It’s like a direct line to me with nothing in the way. As you use more tongues I will give you more understanding and more interpretation, and you think you have big dreams, they are nothing compared to what I have planned for you.
Keep the fires burning, keep the fires burning in your hearts, and in the hearts of those around you.
Walk with those who walk with me.
Listen.      Listen for the still small voice, I will speak in the silence.

Post: Welcome
Writer's picturePlain Church

Easter – Bunnies, Eggs and Spring

And so we come to Easter. The question is what are we celebrating?  Spring, baby animals, new life, the return of ducks to the Till, green to the Plain, or growth in gardens? And what does the Easter Bunny have to do with it?

Easter is a purely Christian festival and it happens in Spring time because of the ancient Jewish calendar and the Passover celebrations. Easter is actually very simple. It is part of the bed rock of the Christian faith and is about remembering the death of Jesus on the cross on Friday and His resurrection from the dead on Sunday. A successful sacrifice on His part.

Throughout the ages there are stories about lives being changed through the sacrifices of others, from the 300 Spartans to those who died in the Great War, whose 100th anniversary is being remembered. In this age of kidnapping, of ransoms paid and not paid to terrorists and the consequences of both, we should understood what is meant by sacrifice. And for those of us who believe in Jesus this brings the greatest hope of all. That this sad and troubled humanity which we are part of, who make a mess of the world in the name of progress or religion, can be redeemed, saved and made new through the message of the cross.

Hot cross buns have a cross on for Friday and eggs represent the open tomb of Easter Sunday. In the early days the eggs, which were hard boiled chicken eggs, were painted red to symbolise the sacrificial blood spilled and were cracked open and eaten on Sunday morning to celebrate the opening of the tomb. Easter gardens, seen inside churches, contain an empty tomb and Easter Lambs represent Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb of God so are definitely part of the story. Chocolate is simply a tasty embellishment and it is possible that the Easter Bunny came from springtime pagan celebrations which included the hare so he remains an “outsider”.

Have a wonderful Easter Holiday whether you are just celebrating spring time or remembering the full story. However, if eating Easter Eggs they are part of the Christian tradition and EGGS ARE FOR SUNDAY, the day the tomb was opened!

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