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Prophecy  given at start of PCCC as a charity Sept 2020

At the start of Plain Church Celtic Community PCCC as a charity
Few sentences at start not recorded but were about the Lord’s pleasure with PCCC.
I’m so thrilled, so filled up with your enthusiasm and your love for me, and your compassion and your care, and your willingness to go the extra mile and do the extra things. And I’m so thrilled that Plain Church is an entity, that it has been fully born this morning, today, and now WATCH, watch , watch, says the Lord at what I am going to do.
The gloves are off, we’re on the move.
Just stay close to me, lean on me fully, with all your hearts and all your minds and I will give you all the understanding that you need.
Don’t be afraid, it’s not always going to be easy, but, I am always there with you
Be prepared to be more different, more extraordinary, more amazed, more amazing – times are changing – just stay close.
Remember to pray in the Spirit, you have all been given the gift of tongues, you have had so many prompts recently, you must use this gift more and more and more. It’s like a direct line to me with nothing in the way. As you use more tongues I will give you more understanding and more interpretation, and you think you have big dreams, they are nothing compared to what I have planned for you.
Keep the fires burning, keep the fires burning in your hearts, and in the hearts of those around you.
Walk with those who walk with me.
Listen.      Listen for the still small voice, I will speak in the silence.

Post: Welcome
Writer's picturePlain Church

Lambs and Lent

WELL, IT’S OFFICIALLY SPRING! Particularly heralded by hail showers and sunshine. We have longer days, daffodils and lambs in the field.  Lambs have always been special for me. I love their whiteness, their spring and bounce, and the fact they remind me of so many bible stories. For us, in the farming environment of 2014, they aren’t a currency, they don’t have a value, in the same way that they did in the Bible times. Then a lamb was a sign of wealth and a suitable sacrifice offering to the Lord God. So when I see a lamb it reminds me of spring and naturally leads forward to the coming of Easter.

The preparation for Easter takes place during the church season of lent. I have always thought of this as a rather confusing timeline as the “giving up” of things for lent or the “adding a new thing” for lent in preparation for Easter was undertaken by the Lord himself after his baptism and before he started his ministry. That time of preparation did not immediately precede Easter which was, of course, at the end of his ministry.

However, lent gives us a season to focus more closely on God and deepen our faith. It gives us a time to mirror the Lord’s own personal preparation for starting his ministry by deepening our own preparations for serving in whichever way we have been called. During lent we prepare churches both inside and out to welcome people through its doors at Easter who we may not see for the rest of the year. This gives a time to rehearse the love that we will need to show, the language we will need to speak and the words of eternal life that will need to be on the tip of our tongue so that those who come can see the church as a bright light in a dark world.

Just as lent allows for preparation for Easter both personally and for our churches so do lambs. In John 21:15 the Lord Jesus gives Peter a clear command that his lambs are to be fed and in Isaiah 40:9-11 we hear that the Messiah will gather the lambs into his arms. Me, as a lamb, I am gathered in his arms, kept safe in the sheep hold at night, taken out to pasture, sought if I am lost and able to hear his voice and follow him.

I am a thing of value, of worth.

Jesus, as the Lamb of God, is the one Lamb suitable to make the one and only sacrifice for the world’s sin. Through his sacrifice at Easter he bought eternal life for all those who accept it. The planning for Easter can be seen in the two verses 1 Peter 1:18-21 and 1 Corinthians 5:6-8. Look them up!

It brings in the Passover, his sinlessness and the timeline from Abraham right through the escape from Egypt to the cross so very well.

So lent is a time to prepare ourselves by focusing on faith, prepare us to serve better as the Lord did, to concentrate on being a lamb ourselves and to see Jesus as he was as the Lamb of God.

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